Webinar: All the World’s a Stage: DMX 512 Lighting Controls

  • January 21, 2021
    9:30 am - 10:30 am

Intelligent lighting and the DMX revolution continue to push the architectural lighting world into a new dawn.

Remember back when the lighting world was basic? Medium screw base lamps, group dimming by circuit, color changing meant switching a gel. Well those boring days are gone! The advancement in technology, energy codes, LED chips along with the trend toward architainment have created a whole new world and market for DMX protocol and the nerds who love it. No longer is it just a toy for theater geeks. DMX is rapidly becoming the central nervous system for smart buildings as we step into the future of the lighting world.

In this presentation Shaun August and John Mears of Eos Light media will be sharing their experiences, knowledge and predictions for the future as it relates to the acronym formerly known as the “Digital Multiplex”

This event is being provided by IES Seattle Section free of charge.

This webinar is being hosted by the Seattle Lighting Design Lab.